Monthly Archives: July 2009

Numerous new traffic laws start today

From | Local News Stories

A new law means fines for Ohio drivers who don’t move over or slow down when there’s a tow truck along the side of the road.

One of several traffic laws in effect Wednesday is meant to protect tow truck operators from passing motorists. First-time violators who don’t reduce speed or change lanes when they see a tow truck could be fined $300 and have to pay court costs. A second violation within a year brings a $500 fine.

Another change requires Ohio motorists to turn headlights on when they use windshield wipers in the rain.

There’s also a new law establishing transition zones when posted speed limits drop by 20 mph or more, to guard against speed traps. And, the speed limit for trucks has increased from 55 mph to 65 mph on many Ohio interstate highways.

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